What All Little Girls Need and Most Women Never Had / Joe Cucchiara
Amazon Kindle での7冊目 What All Little Girls Need and Most Women Never Had: A Loving Relationship with Their Father / Joe Cucchiara
If we lose control, yell, scream, or even hit our young daughters for misbehaving, what are we really teaching them? To act like us when they get mad? There’s a good chance they’ll grow up and handle their anger the same way we do. Do you want that?
We need a license to drive a car and a resume to get a job, yet there are no mandatory prerequisites for having children. Somehow, this system just doesn’t seem right, and our children and our society will continue to pay the price. Prior to getting married, adults should be required to take a course on marriage and raising
“Fathers will help their daughters develop aspects of self-image and what they come to expect from men, society and the world.”
The following are types of nonphysical abuse:
1. Neglect-Parents exhibit neglect when they send their children a clear message that they have little or no time for them. That is, parents just don’t care or take interest in their kids’ eating habits, education, appearance, hygiene, activities, or interaction with others. A classic example of neglect is children continuing to ask one or both parents to spend time with them, talk to them, play with them, or read to them, and the parents just never have the time. This occurs daily because parents are so busy or don’t have their priorities in order. How sad! In this instance, fathers are sending their daughters the message that they’re not important enough to spend time with. Think for a moment how your little girl must feel. Her father, the one who should love her the most, doesn’t have enough time for her. How do you think that makes her feel? Most adults feel awful when neglected by loved ones, and we have the advantage of maturity and life experience. We also have the reasoning to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong. Remember, as healthy, functional fathers we must make our young daughters a priority and continually show and tell them how important they are to us.
これは、特に我々日本人は心しないといけない問題です。共働きなら尚更。「家庭(子供)と仕事のどっちも大事」などと、よく言われるし、Life Work Balanceなどとも言われ、仕事も大事だけど家庭も大事などとも言われます。しかし、”バランス”とか”どっちも大事”って本当かな。